Research Engineer
Scaled Foundations
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  • [Aug 24] Serving as a Program Committee Member at AAAI’25.
  • [July 24] Paper on zero-shot task-oriented grasping using LLMs accepted to IROS’24 as an oral presentation.
  • [June 24] Joined Scaled Foundations as a Research Engineer working on building safe general robot intelligence.
  • [June 24] Graduated with a Master’s in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University.
  • [June 24] Work on action anticipation for effective human-robot collaboration in manipulation tasks accepted to RA-L’24.
  • [Dec 23] Serving as Reviewer for ICML’24, ICLR’24, and CoLLAs’24.
  • [Sept 23] Presenting two papers in CVEU workshop at ICCV 2023 on action anticipation from videos and talking face generation.
  • [Sept 23] Selected as a student volunteer for ICCV’23.
  • [May 23] Selected among 200 young researchers to attend the HLF’23.
  • [May 23] Work on Visual Concept Learning accepted in CoLLAs’23 as one of only 12 oral presentations.
  • [Dec 22] Work on talking face generation won the Best Demo Paper award at ACM MM Asia’23.
  • [Sept 22] Joined AART Lab, CMU – working on concept learning using domain knowledge priors and intent inference for human-robot collaboration.
  • [Aug 22] Joined Master’s in Robotics Program at the Robotics Institute, CMU.
  • [Jan 22] Joined Preimage as a Deep Learning Research Engineer – working on Sparse-view 3D Reconstruction.
  • [Oct 20] Joined CLVR Lab, USC as a Visiting Researcher – working on continual skill learning and OOD adaptation in robotics.
  • [Aug 20] Joined DeCLaRe Lab, SUTD as a Research Assistant – working on vision-language applications.
  • [Aug 20] Graduated from IIIT-Delhi with Honors.
  • [Aug 19] Received Dean’s Award for Excellent Academic Performance for 4 consecutive semesters.
  • [Aug 19] Received Dean’s Award for Innovation, Research, and Development for Bachelor’s thesis.
  • [May 19] Joined SUTD Brain Lab as a Visiting Researcher – working on disentangling video sequences using Gaussian process priors.
  • [May 19] Received Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) Fellowship by IISc.
  • [Aug 18] Placed 6th out of 70 International Teams: AUVSI SUAS, Maryland, USA.
  • [Aug 16] Received Chairman’s Merit Scholarship (4 / 278).
  • [May 15] Received KVPY Fellowship (awarded to top 0.3%).


I am a Research Engineer at Scaled Foundations, where I work on advancing robot intelligence using machine learning, making robots safer and more efficient. I focus on developing foundational models for robotics, enabling advanced sensing, reasoning, and action capabilities for productive and safe robot operation.

I graduated with a MS in Robotics from the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. Here, I worked at Advanced Agents - Robotics Technology Lab advised by Dr. Katia Sycara. My Master’s thesis involved improving robotic perception and interaction through structured domain knowledge priors. You can find my Master’s thesis here. Before joining CMU, I was a Deep Learning Research Engineer at Preimage, where I specialized in problems involving 3D vision for drone-based photogrammetry.

Previously, I worked as a Visiting Researcher at Cognitive Learning and Vision for Robotics (CLVR) Lab, University of Southern California (USC), USA under the guidance of Dr. Joseph Lim. My work there centered on the adaptation of policies to novel unseen environments and continual learning of skills. During my short stint as a Research Assistant at the Deep Cognition and Language Research Lab, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore advised by Dr. Soujanya Poria, I focused on zero-shot visual classification and vision & language applications.

I graduated with my B.Tech (with Honors) from IIIT-Delhi. My Bachelor’s Thesis, completed under Dr. Saket Anand in collaboration with Dr. Pavan Turaga, Geometric Media Lab (Arizona State University, USA) at the Infosys Center of Artificial Intelligence, involved unsupervised representation learning to disentangle multiple factors of variation in images. You can find my Bachelor’s thesis here. I also interned at the SUTD Brain Lab under Dr. Nengli Lim, where I worked on the disentanglement of video sequences using Gaussian processes. Additionally, I spent some time at Collaborative Robotics Lab (CORAL) and Multi-robot Autonomy (MOON) Lab under Dr. P.B. Sujit, where I contributed to research on target tracking using deep reinforcement learning. During my undergrad, I was also a part of the autonomous driving team, ALIVE (formerly Swarath) (demonstration of our vehicle in action available here).

I am mainly interested in robotics and computer vision. Reach out to me at:

If you are interested in research collaboration, please drop me an email.